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Lourdes University Student-Athlete Joshua Parish Shines in Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Program

Among only twelve student leaders chosen nationwide to participate.

Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Program Participants

Josh Parish shown with other program participants.
*Photo credit: Brian L. Hamil’s LinkedIn post

At Lourdes University, the spirit of leadership extends beyond the tennis courts for student-athlete Joshua Parish, whose commitment to service has taken him to new heights through the Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Program. Parish was noticed due to his dedication to making a meaningful impact within his community.

Recommended by his coach, Epifani Jones, Parish was selected to represent Lourdes University in promoting the importance of blood donation and leading initiatives that foster community well-being. Reflecting on his involvement, Parish shares, “My passion is pretty simple. It’s to help people to help more people. As Brian Hamil, [Red Cross] Program Director, puts it, ‘I want to inspire leaders that create other leaders.’” This drive, rooted in a desire to inspire and uplift those around him, has found a powerful platform through the Red Cross program.

Josh Parish

Parish emphasizes the transformative nature of leadership through service, a lesson that resonates deeply with his own philosophy. “The most valuable thing I’ve learned is that leaders are made through service,” he remarks. “Being vulnerable with your team and trusting people to do their best is the key to success. Not just in business, but in relationships too.” His approach exemplifies the importance of empathy and collaboration, noting that effective leadership hinges on listening and responding to the needs of others.

For Parish, the Red Cross program has already begun to yield significant personal and professional growth. “Through this experience, I’ve been given the opportunity to bring the important issue of blood donation to my campus and community,” he explains. Beyond the tangible impact of organizing blood drives, Parish has also forged lasting connections with fellow leaders and mentors. These relationships, he believes, will continue to support and inspire him long after the program concludes. “I’ll always have a community of intelligent, hard-working, and passionate individuals to support me and help keep me accountable,” he says.

Through his initiative and dedication, Joshua Parish exemplifies the potential for students to sow the seeds of positive change, leaving a permanent mark on the Lourdes University community and beyond.

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