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Digital and Media Studies

Digital and Media Studies

Associate in Arts

The Bachelor of Arts Digital and Media Studies (DMS) program allows students to develop expertise in an area they are interested in while mastering technology skills. DMS students complete real-world digital and media studies projects for companies and organizations.

Through a flexible curriculum customized to each student’s interests, DMS majors choose their specialization, take self-paced online coding paths and methods courses, complete an internship, gain hands-on real-world experience, and prepare a professional portfolio representing their work.

As a DMS major, you will:

  • Study the relationship between technology and culture
  • Develop communication skills to mediate between technology experts and non-experts
  • Preserve and organize information in digital formats so information becomes practical knowledge
  • Analyze the world of text and image, past and present, with new digital methods and tools.

The Bachelor of Arts in Digital and Media Studies prepares graduates to pursue 21st-century jobs.

  • Web content developer
  • Digital media designer
  • Social media marketer
  • Technical writer
  • SEO content specialist
  • Digital humanities faculty
  • Immersive technologies librarian
  • Digital assets librarian
  • Instructional designer
  • Digital archivist

Plan of Study


Total credit hours: 120


Core and General Education for Bachelor of Arts degree (56-57 credit hours)

Choose an area you’re interested in

  • Art (24 credits)
  • Art History (18 credits)
  • Computer Science (18 credits)
  • English (18 credits)
  • History (21 credits)
  • Marketing (21 credits)
  • Philosophy (21 credits)
  • Psychology (18 credits)
  • Theological Studies (18 credits)

Take the intro class (3 credits)
DMS 300 Introduction to Digital & Media Studies

Choose 3 methods courses (9 credits)
ENG 351 Media Writing
ENG 352 Professional Writing
ENG 354 Technology and Culture
ENG 356 Critical Discourse Analysis

Choose your coding path (6-9 credits)
DMS 380 Beginning Markup
DMS 381 Intermediate Markup
DMS 382 Advanced Markup
DMS 383 Beginning Programming
DMS 384 Intermediate Programming
DMS 385 Advanced Programming

Sample Options of Specific Tagged & Programming Languages
Markup Languages

HTML + CSS (web coding and design)
TEI (semantic text coding for archiving and corpus analysis)
XML (dynamic web coding)

Programming Language
• JavaScript (web interactivity/app development)
• Objective C (app development)
• PHP (app development, database integration)
• Python (app development)

Choose your internship (3 credits)
ENG 360 Writing Internship
DMS 360 Media Internship / Production Internship

Capstone & Professional Portfolio (3 credits)
DMS 490 Digital and Media Studies Capstone and Professional Portfolio (3 credits)
Create a project using your skills and generate a portfolio for employers/graduate admissions to showcase your work in your chosen profession.

Self-Paced Online Modules
Students can choose which languages and the level of depth of their study and must achieve at least intermediate competency in a markup language and beginning competency in a programming language. There is no pre-requisite before beginning the coding modules but students must meet a proficiency benchmark before their internship and must complete the modules before registering for their capstone.



Total credit hours: 15-18


Take the intro class (3 credits)
DMS 300 Introduction to Digital & Media Studies

Choose 2 methods courses (6 credits)
ENG 351 Media Writing
ENG 354 Technology and Culture
ENG 356 Critical Discourse Analysis

Choose your coding path (6 credits)
DMS 380 Beginning Markup
DMS 381 Intermediate Markup
DMS 382 Advanced Markup
DMS 383 Beginning Programming
DMS 384 Intermediate Programming
DMS 385 Advanced Programming

Choose your internship (3 credits*)
ENG 360 Writing Internship
DMS 360 Media Internship

* If the student’s concentration area requires an internship, this requirement can be waived and the minor completed with 15 credits.

Self-Paced Online Modules
Students can choose which languages and the level of depth of their study and must achieve at least intermediate competency in a markup language and beginning competency in a programming language. There is no pre-requisite before beginning the coding modules but students must meet a proficiency benchmark before their internship and must complete the modules before registering for their capstone.

Learning Outcomes

In addition to achieving the designated outcomes of the core minor field the following outcomes are also met.

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in multiple coding languages.
  2. Employ design techniques and digital technologies to create verbal and visual arguments.
  3. Analyze and evaluate interactions between technology and culture.
  4. Produce digital texts that demonstrate technology skills for collecting, organizing, presenting, and analyzing information.
  5. Synthesize core minor field knowledge and technical skills to create an original digital project.


Gain essential real-world experience through the required internship. As a Digital and Media Studies major, you can choose from several options, including a Digital Media Production Internship with Buckeye Broadband and a Digitation Internship with the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. Work with your advisor to identify the internship position that best meets your career aspirations.

Job Outlook

For students interested in further study in Digital Humanities, Library and Information Science, Instruction Design, or Master’s level programs in a humanities content area, a core humanities minor is recommended.

For students looking to join the workforce after graduation in such areas as web content developer/SEO, social media marketing, technical writing, editing, a core marketing minor is recommended.

Because of the reasonable credit hour threshold for the major, students can easily complete a minor in addition to this program which would allow for both humanities study and marketing or some combination of humanities minors, further increasing students’ skill set.

Archivist, Curators & Museum Workers
35,900 employed in US
9% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$49,850 median annual salary

Broadcast & Sound Engineering Technician
144,300 employed in US
8% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$45,510 median annual salary

Computer & Information Research Scientist
31,700 employed in US
16% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$122,840 median annual salary

Computer Network Architect
159,300 employed in US
5% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$112,690 median annual salary

3,300 employed in US
6% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$63,680 median annual salary

134,800 Employed in US
6% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$59,050 median annual salary

Multimedia Artist / Animator
71,600 employed in US
4% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$75,270 median annual salary

Software Developer
1.3 million employed in US
21% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$105,590 median annual salary

Technical Writer
55,700 employed in US
8% growth in jobs (2018-28)
$72,850 median annual salary

Above stats provided by US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Digital and Media Studies Faculty

Kate Buetel

Katherine P. Beutel, Ph.D.

Professor of English; Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and Institutional Effectiveness

Shawna Rushford Spence

Shawna Rushford-Spence, Ph.D.

Chair, Associate Professor of English

Krysta Sá, M.F.A.

Krysta Sá, M.F.A.

Assistant Professor of Digital & Media Studies

Erin Szavuly

Erin Palmer Szavuly, M.F.A.

Chairperson of the Department of Art; Associate Professor of Art

Choose your path.

Get the digital media skills needed to thrive in today’s information-driven careers.

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