Summer and Fall Course Registration is Now Open
(Instructions for Registration)
Undergraduate & Graduate Course Schedules
Spring 2025 Undergraduate Exam Schedule
Summer and Fall Course Registration is Now Open
(Instructions for Registration)
Undergraduate & Graduate Course Schedules
Spring 2025 Undergraduate Exam Schedule
Students are always encouraged to resolve academic issues directly, in an informal manner, with the member of the faculty, staff, or administration involved. If a student wishes to have an Undergraduate final grade reconsidered, the student must first meet with the instructor and attempt to resolve the difference. In no case will a grade be revised in accordance with criteria other than those applied to all students in the class. If no resolution can be reached with the instructor, the student may initiate a formal Final Grade Grievance.
Please refer to the current Academic Catalog for a detailed explanation of Final Grade Grievance procedures and deadlines. Questions regarding a Final Grade Grievance can also be addressed by academic advisors or the Administrative Assistant to the Provost, located in LH 138. Final Grade Grievance forms can be downloaded below.
Final Grade Grievance Forms
Academic Concern Forms
Recording Form
Holidays and School Closings
Lourdes University is closed on all legal holidays: Good Friday; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas; New Year’s Day; Martin Luther King Day.
Additional closings will be posted. All weather-related and/or emergency campus-wide cancellations are announced on Toledo radio and television stations. Do not call the Lourdes University switchboard. (Evening classes include all classes beginning at or after 3:50 p.m.)
Repeat Policy
All courses may only be repeated once. To determine whether a course may be repeated, a student who does not withdraw from a class prior to the financial aid “freeze date” is considered to have “taken” the course.
Financial Aid Freeze
Aid is determined by the student’s enrollment as of the Freeze Date. For courses that begin later in the term (Q or late summer sessions), you must be registered for the course(s) on the Freeze Date if you wish to be considered for aid for those credit hours.
Note: If you do register for a part of term class and receive aid based on that enrollment, and do not attend, your aid will be adjusted and you may owe the University money. Remember, for aid, you must be enrolled for all sessions and part of term sessions, e.g., Q classes, all summer sessions, before the Freeze Date.
Add/Drop Information
All changes in registration are made officially in the Office of the Registrar with the approval of the student’s advisor. No student may register for a class after the late registration period. Effective date of withdrawal is the date on the official Add/Drop form signed by the advisor. Mere cessation of attendance does not constitute official withdrawal.
The Sisters of St. Francis
Lourdes University
6832 Convent Blvd.
Sylvania, OH 43560
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