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Tuition & Fees

Lourdes University provides one of the lowest private university tuition rates in the United States. Review the tuition and fees below.

2025 – 2026 FEES

DNP Nurse Anesthesia (CRNA) per credit hour $ 1,095
MSN/DNP Nurse Anesthesia (CRNA) per semester* $ 12,350
Nurse Anesthesia Certificate Program per semester $  9,950
Direct Entry MSN per credit hour $  730
MED Teaching and Curriculum per credit hour $  595
MED Special Education per credit hour $  595
MED Educational Leadership per credit hour $  595
MA in Theology per credit hour $  715
MBA per credit hour $  930
MOL per credit hour $  930
Certificate 4-5 Endorsement per credit hour $  230
599 – Continued Ed Courses $  220
P-12 Reading Endorsement per credit hour $  595
CBE – Subscription full-time (6 credit hours or more) – No institutional aid $  5,430
CBE part-time, per credit hour (1-5 credit hours) – No federal or institutional aid $  730

*Increase is for new students only. Enrolled students will maintain tuition through completion.

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