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The Lourdes University mathematics curriculum provides educational support for students interested in careers in education, business, industry, and scientific fields.

Mathematics is the ultimate tool in reaching both the concrete and the abstract. It is a valuable study that is the core of all scientific and technological problems.

Math and Education faculty work together to provide middle childhood education majors with a concentration in mathematics. Graduates often secure successful careers as STEM and math teachers.

Math Faculty

Sr. Patricia Dorobek, M.A.

Sr. Patricia Dorobek, M.A.

Instructor of Mathematics - Adjunct Faculty


Oxana Grinevich, Ph.D.

Chairperson and Associate Professor of Mathematics

Carl Holas, B.S.

Carl Holas, B.S.

Instructor of Mathematics, Instructor of Physics - Adjunct Faculty

Mary Jane Pridgeon, M.A.

Mary Jane Pridgeon, M.A.

Mathematics - Adjunct Professor

Linda Sattelberg, B.A.

Linda Sattelberg, B.A.

Instructor of Mathematics - Adjunct Faculty

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