Thank you for your interest in Lourdes students. Our Career Services Office will do everything possible to make your undergraduate and graduate recruitment efforts successful.
Whether you are looking to post-employment, participate in career and internship fairs, or present at one of our programming events, Career Services employs many opportunities to network and connect with Lourdes students.
Upload hiring qualifications and job descriptions on the Handshake: Lourdes University Job Posting Board. We accept employment postings for part-time, seasonal, internships, volunteer opportunities, and post-graduate full-time. Reach out to Career Services for any further information regarding customized recruiting strategies.
Ohio Means Internships and Co-Ops Lourdes University Employer Flyer
Fact Sheet for Employers
Questions or Concerns
Should employers have any questions or concerns regarding the following Career Services Employer Policies, please get in touch with Career Services:
Austin Sample, B.A.
Work-Based Experience Coordinator
6832 Convent Blvd.
Sylvania, OH 43560
Direct: 419-824-3711
Office: MAH 122
Home-Based Business / In-Home Childcare / Nanny Policy
Career Services only posts positions that offer a commercial/business workplace location. We will not post home-based business, in-home childcare, or nanny positions to ensure that Handshake provides opportunities that offer a safe and worthwhile work experience. This policy applies to ALL opportunities, including full-time, internship, and part-time positions.
Third-Party Staffing Firm Policy
It is our policy to partner with direct employers only. Therefore, we no longer accept third-party staffing firms into Handshake.
Employer usage of Handshake is limited to employment/recruiting-related purposes only. Registered employers must comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws and established Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity regulations and guidelines.
Career Services reserves the right to deny access to any employer and the right to refuse or edit job postings as deemed warranted by the University in its sole and absolute discretion.