Education: Ph.D., University of Nebraska, M.A., Kent State University, B.A., Thiel College

Adam Hodge, an Ohio native, joined the Department of History, Political Science, and Geography at Lourdes University in 2013. He did so after earning his Ph.D. in history from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln earlier that year. He also holds an M.A. in history from Kent State University and a B.A. in History from Thiel College (with a minor in Political Science).
Dr. Hodge teaches many of the department’s courses on American history, especially early America, and some Political Science offerings. His favorite classes to teach include Native American History, History & Mythology of the American West, and Historical Methods. He also serves as the faculty adviser to the institution’s chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society.
His research specialization is the environmental and indigenous history of the North American West. In 2019, the University of Nebraska Press published his first book, Ecology and Ethnogenesis, which examines the environmental history of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe, which is today based at the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. His current research focuses on the histories of native fish in Montana, particularly the decline and conservation of bull trout and Arctic grayling.
2020 “The Lady and the Monster: Popular Perceptions and Treatment of Arctic Grayling and Bull Trout in Twentieth-Century Montana.” Montana The Magazine of Western History 70, 2, pp. 3-23.
2019 Ecology and Ethnogenesis: An Environmental History of the Wind River Shoshones, 1000-1868. University of Nebraska Press.
2016 “‘Our women and children cry for food, and we have no food to give them’: The Environmental Dimensions of Eastern Shoshone Dispossession,” The Confluence vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 34-44.
2015 “Chapter Five: Auxiliaries and Scouts.” In A Companion to Custer and the Little Bighorn Campaign. Edited by Brad Lookingbill. Wiley-Blackwell.
2012 “‘In Want of Nourishment for to Keep Them Alive’: Climate Fluctuations, Bison Scarcity, and the Smallpox Epidemic of 1780-82 on the Northern Great Plains,” Environmental History 17, 2, pp. 365-403.
2010 “Pestilence and Power: The Smallpox Epidemic of 1780-1782 and Intertribal Relations on the Northern Great Plains,” The Historian, 72, 3, pp. 543-567.
Selected Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
2020 Faculty Excellence Award, Lourdes University.
2019 James H. Bradley Fellowship, Montana Historical Society
2015 Faculty Research Scholarship, Lourdes University.
2012-2013 Addison E. Sheldon Research Fellow, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2012 Trennert-Iverson Award, Western History Association Conference Scholarship.
2012 Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Summer Award for Off-Campus Upper Division and Graduate Students, Brigham Young University.
2010 Dov Ospovat Memorial Award for a Distinguished Graduate Research Paper, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Selected Presentations
2019 “Climate and Conquest: How Climate Change Has Shaped the Past,” Thiel College Common Hour, Greenville, Pennsylvania, November 7.
2019 “Wisdom from the Big Hole?: A Comparative History of Arctic Grayling in Montana and Michigan,” 59th Annual Conference of the Western History Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 18.
2019 “Environmental Dimensions of Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Smallpox Epidemics in the Northern Great Plains,” O. C. Tanner Foundation Symposium, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, October 4.
2019 “Environment and Culture: Insights from Wind River Shoshone History,” Distinguished History Lecture, Lourdes University, Sylvania, Ohio, April 15.
2018 “Tradition, Conservation, and Sovereignty: The Controversy Surrounding the Wind River Reservation Game Code,” 2018 American Society for Environmental History Conference, Riverside, CA, March 15.
2016 “Ireland in Pictures: Intercultural Competence among Undergraduate College Students,” with Terry Keller, The Qualitative Report 7th Annual Conference, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 15.
2015 “The Allure of the Custer Enigma: Reflections on a Decade of Studying Custer and his Legacy,” The Greater Toledo Civil War Roundtable, Toledo, Ohio, February 12.
2015 “‘Our women and children cry for food, and we have no food to give them’: The Environmental Dimensions of Eastern Shoshone Dispossession,” A Confluence of Cultures: U.S.-Native American Relations in the 19th Century, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Missouri, October 10.
2014 “Horses and Gender: The Impact of Equestrianism on Shoshone Women’s Roles,” The 2014 Ohio Academy of History Annual Meeting and Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, April 5.
2012 “Ecological Change and Epidemiological Barriers in the Early West: Horse Diffusion and the Making of the 1779-1783 Smallpox Epidemic,” 52nd Annual Conference of the Western History Association, Denver, Colorado, October 5.
2012 “Saving and Enjoying the Vanishing Wild West: William F. Cody as a Preservationist and Sportsman,” The Seventh Annual James A. Rawley Conference in the Humanities, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 31.
Selected Research Experience
2015-2016 Research Consultant, Mapping Buffalo Bill’s Rocky Mountain Empire, Buffalo Bill Center of the West and Ball State University.
2013 Research Associate, Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
HST 121: Survey of United States History I (includes online sections and ARCHES sections)
HST 122: Survey of United States History II (includes online sections)
HST 205: Prohibition
HST 219: Ohio History (includes an online section)
HST 230: History of Ireland
HST 240: Environmental History of North America (includes an Honors section)
HST 280: Sports in American History
HST 307: The American Revolution and Early Republic
HST 405: Women in American History
HST 407: Native American History
HST 409: History and Mythology of the American West
HST 411: Latin American History
HST 490: Historical Methods
PLS 122: American National Government
PLS 201: Modern Political Thought
FYE 101: College Connections (includes an Honors section)
FYE 201: Concept Connections