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Lourdes nursing students

Nursing (Traditional BSN)

Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree accommodates various nursing students’ educational and professional needs. The pre-licensure to BSN program is for those new to the nursing profession. As a pre-licensure nursing major, you will reach your fullest potential.

Individuals who pursue a nursing degree are motivated by the desire to help people live healthier lives and to assist them during life-changing situations. Program hallmarks include the individual classroom and clinical attention students receive. The College of Nursing faculty supports you on a rewarding journey to earn your BSN.

The Lourdes College School of Nursing curriculum aims to graduate students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) to impact individual and system approaches to patient safety and transition readily into complex healthcare systems. The plan of study includes a total of 125 credit hours within a 15-week semester model. Students complete general education courses, prerequisite courses, and 60 hours of coursework within the nursing major. Students can finish the coursework in four years.

Nursing students take full advantage of these academic and student life opportunities:

  • Receive personalized instruction in clinicals that offer a six-to-one student-to-faculty ratio
  • Benefit from the excellent computer and instructional resources available to assist them in their educational studies
  • Learn in the Flasck Nursing Center and Simulation Center
  • Become a member of student organizations
  • Choose from multiple hospitals and community sites to complete clinicals
  • Take advantage of study abroad opportunities and international mission initiatives
  • Thirty-five hospitals and community sites for students to complete their clinicals
  • Nursing faculty advise all nursing students
  • The Nursing Major encourages student-athletes to continue in their major throughout the program

Plan of Study


Fall Semester = 16 credit hours
ENG 101 (Comp. I)
LUC 101 (First Yr. Exp.)
PSY 110 (General Psychology Overview)
BIO 201 Principles of Biology
*CHM 140/CHL 140 (Chem for Healthcare Prof.)
 *Must test into this course 

Spring Semester = 17 credit hours
BIO/BIL 330 (A & P I)
BIO 335 (Micro)
PSY 210 (Dev. Lifespan)

  • PHL 101 or 103

Fall Semester = 17 credit hours
BIO/BIL 331 (A & P II)
BIO 313 (Nutrition)
MTH 212 (Statistics)
BIO 114 (Med Term)

  • ENG 355
  • HST

Spring Semester = 15.5 credit hours
BIO 340 (Pathophysiology)
NUR 221 Pathopharm 1 (T=30, L=15)
NUR 205 Fundamentals (T=45)
NUR 231 Health Assessment (T=45, L=60, C=90)

Fall Semester = 14.5 credit hours
NUR 321 PathoPharm II (T=30, L=15)
NUR 333 Mental Health (T=30, L=15, C=22.5)
NUR 331 MedSurg (T=45, L=30, C=90)

  • THS #1 (see approved list)

Spring Semester = 17 credit hours
NUR 341 Intermediate (T=45, L=30, C=90)
NUR 336 Childbearing Families (T=30, C=22.5)
NUR 337 Families with Children (T=30, C=22.5)
NUR 352 Populations (T=37.5, L=15)

  • Fine Arts – ART or MUS

Fall Semester = 12 credit hours
NUR 441 Complex Care (T=45, L=30)
NUR 452 Capstone I (T=30)
NUR 453 Immersion I (C=135)

  • THS#2 Any second course

Spring Semester = 16 credit hours)
NUR 462 Capstone II (T=30)
NUR 465 Knowledge Integration(T=30)
NUR 468 Transitions to Practice (T=30)
NUR 463 Immersion II (C=180)

  • PHL 310 (Bioethics)
  • Enduring Question

Degree Credits: Nursing = 60 Core + Gen Ed = 65

T = Theory Clock Hours, L = Laboratory Clock Hours, C = Clinical Clock Hours

Learning Outcomes

  • Professional Nursing
    Synthesize liberal education and nursing knowledge as a foundation for decision making in the nursing role
  • Person Centered Care
    Provide nursing care that is based on current evidence, clinical expertise, ethical practice, and patient preference, needs, and values and recognizes the patient as a full partner and source of control
  • Collaboration
    Use current technology to foster effective communication as part of a collaborative team approach, to manage patient information, and other data to maximize safety and optimize health outcomes with all stakeholders
  • Population Health
    Demonstrate leadership to promote quality outcomes to provide high quality and safe care to diverse individuals and populations that minimize risk of harm to patient, others, and self.
  • Values based care
    Provide nursing care grounded in the Franciscan ethics and portraying the core nursing values of accountability, caring, communication, clinical reasoning, critical thinking and lifelong learning
  • Safety and Quality Improvement
    Engage fully in the health care team demonstrating leadership through the analysis of the organization, policy, and processes to foster mutual respect and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care
  • Evidence Based Practice
    Exhibit Critical thinking and decision-making evidence-based nursing practice incorporating scientific inquiry as a foundation to reach appropriate clinical judgement for health promotion, disease prevention and management of illness

Sophomore Applications

  • Spring Applications Open September 1st and close October 15th
    • Application decision letters will go out October 27th to all applicants
  • Fall Applications Open March 31st and close June 15th
    • Application decision letters will go out June 23rd to all applicants


  1. Completes prerequisites prior to entering the Nursing Major
    –  A grade of C or better in science courses with a cumulative science G.P.A. of 2.75.
    –  A total prerequisite G.P.A. of 2.5 or better.

    Core Prerequisites
    –  ENG 101
    –  MTH 212
    –  PSY 110
    –  PSY 210 Developmental Psychology

    Science Pre-Requisites
    –  BIO 313 Nutrition
    –  BIO 330/BIL 330 Anatomy and Physiology Lab II
    –  BIO 331/BIL 331 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
    –  BIO 335 Microbiology
    –  BIO 340 + Pathophysiology
    –  CHM 140/CHL 140 General, Organic, Biological Chemistry/Lab
  2. Complete submission requirements
    Nursing Admissions Application
  3. Send official transcripts to Lourdes University

Direct Admission to Nursing (For High School Students)

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program at Lourdes has a competitive admission process. However, in recognition of the fact that many students can maintain a solid GPA, Lourdes is now permitting new students to be directly admitted to the Nursing Major by completing the following requirements and maintaining a 3.0 GPA prior to Nursing Program.

  • 3.25 High School Cumulative GPA
  • Demonstrate College Readiness in Math, English & Chemistry
  • Completed Application and submission of high school or preparatory school transcripts


Students without the above requirements may still pursue nursing at Lourdes University by enrolling as a Pre-Nursing Student. These students still take the same courses in the first 3 semesters at Lourdes University and apply to enter the Nursing Major in the second semester of their sophomore year.

Transfer Nursing Students

Lourdes University College of Nursing BSN program is a Transfer Friendly program.

  1. Apply to Lourdes University
  2. Send official transcripts to Lourdes University to be evaluated for transfer credit.
  3. Completes prerequisites prior to entering the Nursing Major
    – A grade of C or better in science courses with a cumulative science G.P.A. of 2.75.
    – A total prerequisite G.P.A. of 2.5 or better.
    Core Prerequisites
    –  ENG 101
    –  MTH 212
    –  PSY 110
    –  PSY 210 Developmental Psychology
    –  BIO 313 Nutrition
    –  BIO 330/BIL 330 Anatomy and Physiology Lab II
    –  BIO 331/BIL 331 Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
    –  BIO 335 Microbiology
    –  BIO 340 + Pathophysiology
    –  CHM/CHL 140 General, Organic, Biological Chemistry/Lab

Nursing Learning Laboratory

Lourdes College of Nursing has two learning laboratories to accommodate all types of skills practice and simulation of patient care scenarios. Dedicated lab staff support the development and mastery of technical nursing skills in the Flasck Nursing Center while building students’ confidence and competence. Individualized support from lab staff assists students with perfecting clinical skills such as vital signs, physical assessment, injections, urinary catheters, IV insertions and medication administration.

The new simulation laboratory supports the development of critical thinking and team collaboration as students work through realistic situations in a safe, protected learning environment. Using standardized patients, high-fidelity manikins, and other technology, students can assess and provide nursing care for specific symptoms, diseases, and conditions taken from real-life scenarios.

Pregnancy and Birth Simulations

High-fidelity mother and baby manikins provide a level of complex interactivity during the learning scenarios. Simulations permit students to participate in pregnancy and birth scenarios from pregnancy care to the actual birth as well as nursing care of mother and newborn following the birth.

Lourdes nursing students
Nursing Lab

Have questions?

Speak with an undergraduate Nursing advisor.

Josh Duncan M.S.Ed
BSN Advisor & Coordinator
Lourdes University College of Nursing
St. Clare Hall 244

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